1) |
(a) An antecedent is a word. (b) A pronoun refers to this word. |
2) |
(a) The blue whale is considered the largest animal that has ever lived. (b) It can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons. |
3) |
(a) The plane was met by a crowd of 300. (b) Some of them had been waiting for more than 4 hours. |
4) |
(a) In this paper, I will describe the basic process. (b) Raw cotton becomes cotton thread by this process. |
5) |
(a) The researchers are doing case studies of people to determine the importance of heredity in health and longevity. (b) These people's families have a history of high blood pressure and heart disease. |
6) |
(a) At the end of this month, scientists at the institute will conduct their AIDS research. (b) The results of this research will be published within 6 months. |
7) |
(a) According to many education officials, 'math phobia' (that is, a fear of mathematics) is a widespread problem. (b) A solution to this problem must and can be found. |
8) |
(a) The art museum hopes to hire a new administrator. (b) Under this person's direction it will be able to purchase significant pieces of art. |
9) |
(a) The giant anteater licks up ants for its dinner. (b) Its tongue is longer than 30 centimeters (12 inches). |
10) |
(a) The anteater's tongue is sticky. (b) It can go in and out of its mouth 160 times a minute. |