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RULE ONE: For most words, simply add -Y to the base word.
EXAMPLES:  cloud - cloudy    dirt - dirty
  YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
rain + y ->
1. The weather was  all weekend.
itch + y ->
2. The wool sweater I wore was very .
blood + y ->
3. There have been many wars in the history of that country.
water + y ->
4. The coffee tasted  .
storm + y ->
5. When the weather is  , we stay inside the house.
mist + y ->
6. The day was a little  and cold.
filth + y ->
7. Don't drink that  water!
trick + y ->
8. The end of that movie was very .

 RULE TWO: For words ending in consonant - vowel - consonant + Y, you must double the consonant and add -Y to the base word.
EXAMPLES:  fun - funny   sun - sunny
  YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
fog + y ->
9. San Francisco has a lot of   weather.
smog + y ->
10. The air in Los Angeles is   quite often.
shag + y ->
11. That man's beard looks  and long.
mud + y ->
12. After the rain, my yard was  and wet.
nut + y ->
13. I ate a   piece of candy.

 RULE THREE: For words ending in E, drop the E, and add -Y to the base word.
EXAMPLES:  shade - shady    scare - scary
  YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
shine + y ->
14. Sam found a  coin on the floor.
juice + y ->
15. Sara's orange was extremely  .
nose + y ->
16. If you ask too many personal questions, you are a person!
spice + y ->
17. Some people like  food, but other people don't.
bubble + y ->
18. The soda was very  , and it gave me the hiccups.
ice + y ->
19. The roads were quite  today.
grease + y ->
20. My shirt has a  spot on it.

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