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RULE ONE: For most words, simply add -ABLE to the base word.
EXAMPLES:  enjoy -> enjoyable    comfort -> comfortable
  YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
favor + able ->
1. The weather was  all weekend.
question + able ->
2. He said he told the truth, but his story is very .
tax + able ->
3. Candy and gum are  items.
predict + able ->
4. The end of that movie was very .

 RULE TWO: For words ending in consonant + Y, change the Y to I, and add -ABLE to the base word.
EXAMPLE:  rely -> reliable
  YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
vary + able ->
5. Mathematics uses  factors.
envy + able ->
6. Jennifer Anniston is in an  position - she's married to Brad Pitt!.
rely + able ->
7. My  car finally broke down after 15 years of use.

 RULE THREE: For words ending in E, drop the E, and add -ABLE to the base word.
EXAMPLES:  note -> notable    quote -> quotable
  YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank.
imagine + able ->
8. If you have an  dream, work hard to achieve it.
value + able ->
9. Good health is more   than all the money in the world.
advise + able ->
10. I don't think that quitting school is an  thing to do.

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